The Coconut Milk Myth

Coconut milk: healthy or hazardous?
Avoiding coconut milk? If you've been cooking with condensed or evaporated milk because you were told coconut milk is bad for you, it's time to go back to the old recipes. Coconut milk is good fat and actually better for you. We compared the nutritional benefits of condensed milk, evaporated milk, and coconut milk and truth is coconut milk is by far the healthiest option! Coconut milk has the least calories, and almost no carbohydrates. It has about the same amount of fat as the other milks but the fat in coconut milk is healthy fat containing MCT. MCT has a long list of benefits.
- Instead of being stored, it breaks down easily as fuel and burns off calories from other sources
- It boosts metabolism
- Balances blood sugar levels
In comparison, condensed milk is the big loser. It contains twice the calories of evaporated milk, and more than three times that of super-healthy coconut milk. Most of the calories in condensed milk come from carbohydrates, which is easily turned into body fat. The fat in condensed and evaporated milks is mostly saturated fat which was once considered potentially dangerous. We now know it is perfectly fine in moderation. The fat in the coconut milk is still the healthiest because of the MCT. For this reason you will find MCT in many Xndo products including coffees and teas. o next time you cook, go back to the traditional recipe that uses coconut milk. Not only is it less fattening than the alternatives, it's actually better for you.