Testimonial - Winnie Koo

"I reduced my size from XXL to M!"
I'm a homemaker for more than 17 years. I found a full-time job in December 2016 as a retail salesperson at Orchard Road, and needed to improve my image. In order to look more presentable, I had cut and dyed my hair. However, I'm upset about my size, as I was too fat to wear the uniform.
When I came across my consultant, Nicole at Xndo Causeway Point, she introduced the Zero™ Noodles to me to help me on my weight loss journey. I realized that Zero™ Noodles is made from the same ingredient (Konjac from Japan), which is what my son and I loved. This product helped to improve my metabolism, which has troubled me ever since I was a teenager.
Since I was earning the extra income, I decided to allow myself to a trial package with Xndo. After the first week, my weight had gone down, and was lowering every week. Seeing this built up my confidence with Xndo. Xndo meals come in a variety of flavours, and I do not have to suffer from starving to reduce weight. I also still get to enjoy my favourite coffee and tea – how wonderful!
Before Xndo, I was 74kg and needed to use a towel to wash my back when I showered as I couldn't squat. Now, I'm 56kg and can squat and reach for any part of my back easily. I feel so light and more energetic, and can walk faster than ever! I’ve also always had knee pain before I lost weight, but nowadays, I hardly feel any knee pain even though I had a long day of continuous standing.
I’ve reduced my size from XXL to M. I’ve become a new me. Thank you Xndo.
Submitted by: Winnie Koo