Testimonial - Kelly Teo

"A healthy way to gain a more ideal body composition."
With her shift work as a nurse and busy schedule, Kelly did not even realise she was putting on weight until she looked at an old photo of herself. “I didn’t realise that I had put on quite so much!” The realisation struck home even more when she wandered into an Xndo store one day and did a body composition assessment. “My weight was 54kg, higher than my ideal weight of 51.6kg and much more than my last remembered weight of 48kg!” she recalled. Most significantly, though she did not look it, her visceral fat level was 28.5% instead of being lower than 25%.
She started her journey towards better health with Xndo’s 4 Simple Steps programme. “I saw results very quickly and in two weeks, I could see results. In particular, my arms became slimmer and more toned.” Despite her odd working hours, Kelly found the programme easy to follow – and was grateful for the support from her consultant, Lili, who advised her on the best ways to adapt the programme to her individual needs.
Over a period of just nine months, Kelly lost 4kg, reduced harmful internal body fat, gained healthy muscle and dropped two dress sizes. The programme, she said, is easy to follow and convenient.
"I simply replace one regular meal with a protein shake or a noodle or rice meal. They are all prepacked, so it’s very easy.” She especially enjoys the grape flavoured Xndo blocker drink. “I don’t like taking tablets, so I prefer taking my blockers in drink form. I love the fruity flavour and it’s a much healthier and sugar-free replacement to other sodas and drinks.”
The most important thing she feels she has gained from this experience is the knowledge of how to manage her weight and diet well without significant sacrifice. “It is a healthy way to gain a more ideal body composition and I am motived to continuing my journey towards health."
Submitted by: Kelly Teo