Protein Shakes: Good For Everyone

How to choose to right shake
Protein shakes are a great way to supplement your protein needs. While body builders have long used protein bars and shakes to boost their daily protein intake and build muscle post-workout, protein is not just for the fitness minded. An increased protein intake is beneficial for everyone.
Protein builds muscle, balances blood sugar
Protein helps our bodies build and maintain lean muscle, and provides a slow release of glucose into our blood stream, balancing blood sugar level and increasing satiety. All of which has positive effects on weight loss and general health. Snacking on a protein shake instead of other high carb fillers is a also good way to reduce overall daily calories while satisfying persistent hunger cravings. Choosing between the numerous available options can be confusing. Many are high in sugar and contain a lot of calories, defeating the purpose of using them. Others don’t contain enough protein to be beneficial, or the protein is of the wrong type. Some contain undesirable food substitutes and chemicals, or taste awful. To keep you from straying toward high calorie alternatives, a protein shake must be something that is easy to prepare and which you enjoy drinking.
All protein is not the same
A big differences between shakes is the protein they contain. The type of protein matters because some are better than others, and all have slightly different properties. One of the best and most popular protein additives is whey because it contains an impressive array of vitamins and minerals, as well as being a proven muscle builder. While there are other protein powders with more specific benefits, whey is a good all rounder, and a natural choice for a multi-purpose protein shake. To make it a bit easier to choose, here are some guidelines on what makes a good protein shake:
Contains at least 40 percent of high quality protein - preferably more.
Most shakes contain some carbohydrate for quick energy release, but each shake should not contain more than 200 calories in total.
If possible choose a shake that includes heart healthy fats like MCT and Omega 3.
No trans fat.
It tastes good, and is easy to prepare.
Xndo protein shakes are delicious and mix immediately in water. They are specifically designed to supplement protein intake as part of a protein dominant diet based upon a food pyramid that avoids sugar, emphasizes protein and fiber, and limits carbohydrate. Xndo shakes contain at least 45% (20g) high quality whey protein each, and are less than 170 calories.