6 Best Exercises For Weight Loss

Thinking of losing weight? Here are 6 exercises you should try.
Losing weight does not solely rely on changing a person’s eating habits, but it requires them to start exercising regularly, only then will you be able to achieve your goal of weight loss. You should strive for at least 30 minutes of moderately strenuous activity per day to burn calories as this plays a key role in weight loss. Here are some workouts to help you on your way.
1. Walking:
Walking is a low-intensity activity that many people can easily include into their life and establish reasonable goals for, so it may be a suitable beginning point for many people seeking to be more active.
Tips: If you were to add half an hour of brisk walking to your daily routine, you could burn about 150 more calories than you usually do each day.[1] Try and attempt to incorporate this habit into your daily routine by walking your pets or have an evening stroll after dinner since the faster and longer you walk, the more calories you burn.
2. Running:
Running is one of the best and simplest ways to burn calories—and you don't need a treadmill to do it. Prior training is not required in order to actively pursuit this lifestyle change, you only need a pair of running shoes and you’re set for the run.
3. Cycling:
Cycling is a low-impact, flexible activity that is also a wonderful method to lose weight. Riding a bike may burn anywhere from 400 to 800 calories per hour[2], depending on your weight, speed, and cycling forms. Cycling can also easily be integrated into people’s daily lifestyle as a form of transportation mode.
Tips: According to a 2019 study, participants who exercised before breakfast for 6 weeks increased their insulin response, allowing them to burn twice as much fat as those who exercised after breakfast.[3] Therefore, starting your day with a morning cycle would boost your energy level and, as a result, your metabolic rate.
4. Swimming:
If your knees are achy or your back hurts, swimming might be the ideal exercise for you. This is because it is easy on the joints and your lungs would also benefit from it.[4] It’s a win-win situation as you’ll get a good cardio workout while reaping the benefits from the resistance of the water.
5. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):
High-intensity interval training (commonly known as HIIT) is a form of workout that alternates between intense and less-intense physical exercise. Although HIIT is particularly useful for weight loss because it consumes energy from body fats rather than carbs, it is not advisable to engage in such activity on a daily basis. As it would be too taxing on the body because the intense exercise would keep your body functioning and burning fat for up to 24 hours after your workout.[5]
6. Resistance exercise:
Weight training is one example of a resistance workout. Many individuals have benefitted from combining both cardio and resistance workouts into their workout regimens. As weight training focuses on the development of strength and muscle mass, it can help increase your resting metabolic rate (RMR), or how many calories your body burns at rest.[6]
Have you been exercising lately but don’t seem to see any weight loss?
Well, it might be a sign that your metabolism rate is low hence you do not burn many calories. However, you can consider taking Xndo weight loss supplements - Metaburn™ Thermogenic Fat Burner™ that is specially formulated to speed up metabolism and increase the number of calories the body can burn through thermogenesis’. It features scientifically proven ingredients that maximise fat burning, boost metabolism and reduce food cravings throughout the day.
Self-conscious about your tummy area and can’t seem to get rid of it?
Do you wake up in the morning feeling good about your body, but after a meal you feel self-conscious about your tummy area?
Well, this is usually a tell-tale sign that you are suffering from belly bloat. It is generally caused by an increase in gas production or a disruption in the action of the digestive system's muscles.[7] Bloating is frequently associated with pain, discomfort and a “stuffed” feeling. It can also make your stomach look bigger.[8]
That’s why it’s important to detox your body to ensure such a situation is minimised, with Tummy™ Bloat Inhibitor™ you’ll be able to regain your confidence in your tummy area. It is an exclusive formula containing Bloat Inhibitor™ that work synergistically to manage gastrointestinal discomfort, improve nutrient absorption and strengthen gut immunity.
Sometimes the most unassuming thing such as our diet is the root cause for weight gain
When there’s an excessive intake of carbs, and no outlet to exhaust it the body would turn the carb surplus into body fats which leads to weight gain. To curb such a scenario from happening, Xndo has a multi-action supplement - Block & Burn™ Appetite Blocker™ that can help suppress and control one’s appetite which is beneficial when doing strenuous exercises.
As the body requires an enormous amount of energy to participate in intensive exercise, we would subconsciously gravitate to carbohydrates for our intake of energy. Hence, by ingesting Block & Burn before each meal it would be able to block carbohydrate absorption which would help boost the weight loss process and supresses’ one’s urge of snacking.
No matter what issue you’re facing during your weight loss journey, Xndo has got you covered. From blocking carbohydrate absorption to detoxing your digestive system, Xndo’s range of slimming supplements can combat the issue for you.
